To run Matico on your computer, you have two choices. We provide a Dockerfile (recommended), or you can run each component individually (this is messy, but we're working on smoothing things out).
To run the system in Docker:
docker-compose up
from the command line in the root directory of the repo. This will create a database and start the MaticoServer and MaticoAdmin interfacesTo shut down the server, halt the docker-compose process (ctrl+c or command+c).
You can follow the steps below to run each part of Matico. This requires a good number of installations and dependencies if you're starting fresh, so this is recommended for advanced users.
yarn install
(cd matico_spec; cargo build; wasm-pack build --scope maticoapp)
(cd matico_charts; yarn build)
(cd matico_components; yarn build-dev)
(cd matico_admin; yarn dev)
(cd matico_server; cargo run)
😔 We know. We're very sorry and we are simplifying this, for you and us both. Please send help.